Gothia Cup 2016

In July, we took a team of U15s to the world's largest youth football tournament, the Gothia Cup in Sweden.
It was a fantastic experience for the all the boys and we'd like to thank all the coaches, sponsors, volunteers and parental support in making the event happen.
We entered in the U16 age category and played against teams from Norway, Sweden, Germany before going out of the tournament after a penalty shoot out against a Turkish team - which actually went on to win one of the major trophies.
Although disappointed to have not progressed further, it was an unforgettable experience. Our coaches posted the following on instagram:
"We reflected & we returned. Despite the results not going our way this week, we will continue to firmly keep one eye on the prize.
The trip has been a real eye opener for us all at @lambethtigersfc despite only having 3 u16s competing, we felt we could have done better with all the quality we had at our disposal.
Overall, a number of valuable lessons were taken away for both coaches and players alike, our travelling party of support got to have a closer look at the management of the players on & off the field. @gothiacup_official WE WILL BE BACK NEXT YEAR! BETTER & STRONGER! We'd also like to thank & @oneworldfa for their continued support and assistance with creating wonderful opportunities for our younger boys who were phenomenal!